@article{oai:nishogakusha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000319, author = {會谷, 佳光 and アイタニ, ヨシミツ and 會谷, 佳光 and Aitani, Yoshimitsu}, journal = {日本漢文学研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), Daming shijiao huimu yimen 大明釈教彙目義門 is an annotated catalogue of Buddhist scriptures compiled by Jixiao 寂暁 during the Wanli 万暦 era of the Ming 明. In order to facilitate its use, Jixiao also compiled Darning shijiao huimen mulu 大明釈教彙目録 and Darning shijiao huimen biaomu 大明釈教彙門標目. The former lists the works included in the Yimen as well as the Qianziwen 千字文 from the Nanzang 南蔵 and Beizang 北蔵, two Ming editions of the Chinese Buddhist canon, while the latter is a concise version of Yimen. Shortly after these three works were completed, the Wanli edition was published. Eventually it was introduced to Japan, and the 41-fascicle Yimen was included under the title Fazang sinan 法蔵司南 in Fuso zokunyu somokuroku 扶桑続入総目録, compiled by Hatan 鳳潭 during the Genroku 元禄 and Hoei 宝永 eras. In Genroku 14 (1701), Biaomu was published. The Genroku edition was published by Sano Hikosaburo 佐野彦三郎, a book dealer in Kyoto. The text, which was discovered by the Tendai 天台 monk Ryonin 亮潤 in an old repository on Mt Hiei 比叡山, was used as the base text. Later, when plans were made to publish Manji zokuzo 卍続蔵 edition in Meiji 明治 37 (1904), it was supposed to include the Fazang sinan and Biaomu based on Fuso zokunyu somokuroku and the Genroku editions of Biaomu. Because the project to publish the Manji zokuzo was discontinued, however, Yimen, Yimen mulu, and Biaomu are works that rarely have been seen.}, pages = {83--106}, title = {日本における『大明釈教彙目義門』の流伝と出版}, volume = {3}, year = {2008}, yomi = {アイタニ, ヨシミツ} }